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Anchor 7
Causes of Obesity


Most causes of obesity (85%) have emotional origins.  and behavioral, while only 15% are mainly due to  genetic conditions, psychiatric disorders or medical reasons.

























Relationship mechanisms: anxiety and hunger


Anxiety reduces the level of serotonin in the brain, the hormone responsible for feeling good. As its production can be stimulated by the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates (sweets, for  example) and in tryptophan, which is the amino acid precursor of serotonin, you can understand the attack on food. In addition, eating your favorite food triggers the release of the hormone dopamine in the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure. We also eat more when we are anxious or stressed.  because our body releases a hormone called cortisol, which gives the  feeling of hunger and increases our ability to store fat in cells.

To lose weight well, an emotional change is important and, from there, create conditions to seek a better quality of life, incorporating regular physical activities, reducing the amount of food ingested, in addition to selecting a balanced diet.  It is also fundamental to be able to identify and reformulate the beliefs on which obesity-generating behaviors are based so that the weight achieved after weight loss can be maintained.

The Coaching procedure presents the best tools and procedures to identify, access and re-signify deep unconscious patterns that maintain obesity.

A refined set of strategies and techniques from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Techiniques), Family Constellations, Timeline Therapy and Ericsonian Hypnotherapy, constitute a range of opportunities to redirect unwanted or limiting behavior, through the release of emotions.

Many of our behaviors are unconscious, including eating.

With regard to weight loss and weight maintenance, it is necessary to know precisely our preferences and eating habits and reprogram those that make it difficult to maintain the weight achieved.

In general, weight instability is the result of automated eating behaviors and, above all, of a body designed and selected by thousands of years of evolution. This body, however, has been subjected to very adverse conditions of nutrition and exaggerated sedentary lifestyle. Thus, these inappropriate behaviors can only be re-evaluated and redirected if properly understood and confronted by knowledge of the technologies of the mind, the most modern psychological approaches and their techniques with brief but profound results.


Coaching and NLP



NLP is a branch of knowledge that studies how thoughts and emotions influence behavior.

From NLP Coaching, you will discover the deep emotional causes that have prevented you from reaching the ideal weight and you will reprogram them through a re-signification of the events where they were created. Thus, it can neutralize the fear of anxiety, low self-esteem, the sadness of depression, guilt or other emotion that may be contributing to weight gain.

We cultivate several harmful habits that present themselves automatically,  for example, the habit of binge eating.   We all know that overeating is harmful to health. So, what drives us to continue eating more than necessary and compulsively?

Why is it so difficult to abandon this pattern?

The answer is that the causes are at a deeper level than the conscious level of our mind. An inner part of us is trying to satisfy an unmet need. Because something is missing, the compensation mechanism kicks in.

How to undo this schedule?

Our beliefs are actually the most powerful forces that influence our existence. They determine what we perceive and how we perceive it. They influence our thoughts, our expectations and our actions. They shape our personality. They even affect the outcome of our actions and the way others perceive and respond to us.

This slimming process helps us explore the backstage of our existence and discover the uninspected, unconsciously held beliefs that make our lives the way they are.


Main emotional causes of obesity


1) Compulsion:


a) by feeling of emptiness caused by the lack of something essential in the past. Sadness, insecurity or abandonment, resulting from the  lack of affection or longing for an important family member in childhood, such as parents or even a deceased brother.

b) by feeling of emptiness and anxiety about the absence of something important in the current life. Food would be being used to fill that absence. Such as life purpose, personal mission, professional fulfillment, affective and/or sexual fulfillment. 

c) to compensate for the anxiety or worry installed at a stage of life (mostly in childhood) when the person went hungry or was afraid of going hungry. Often they were patterns passed down by ancestors who witnessed wars or other severe situations.



2) Standards installed as part of the family's cultural heritage.


a) Food as an expression of family affection. For certain families that worshiped a true ritual at meal times in which the ninth or the mother expressed a deep love through the wonderful food they prepared.

b) Code of membership. In a fat family, being fat can mean loyalty to the group.

c) Eat enough to please the parents. When the child got praise and affection from the parents if he ate a lot.


3) Affective and sexual escape


a) Problems with the opposite sex. Fear and insecurity about surrendering to relationships, they can seek protection by keeping themselves fat (o), making their body less attractive to avoid flirting.

b) Protection of children. Women who take care of their children alone may gain weight to avoid sexual partners, with the intention of protecting their children's childhood.

c) Sexual difficulties. Keeping the body obese would lower the risk of attracting mates.


4) Escape from beauty


The) Ashamed of drawing attention. Fear of flirting. They are afraid of getting lost or uncomfortable for not knowing how to set limits.

b) Fear of problems with the spouse. They avoid triggering insecurity or jealousy or spousal control.

c) Belief that being attractive is vulgar.


5) Excessive appreciation of the pleasure of eating. One of the greatest pleasures and meaning of life. “Live to eat”.


6) Resistance to physical activity


a ) Associates physical activity with suffering, loss of time or obligation.

b) Overvaluation of intellectuality and denial of apology for the body.


7) Escape valve for uncomfortable emotions or sensations


a) Loneliness, pressure at work, anxiety, boredom, irritation, etc.

b) Solace. Babies don't just cry out of hunger. If they are always treated with the offer of food to calm their emotional discomfort, they can build negative or mistaken relationships between food and affection.


8) Rebellion


Rivalry with parents or society that values physical appearance.


9) Gift or reward


When doing a food extravaganza with the thought of pleasing yourself, giving yourself a gift or giving yourself affection, comfort and warmth. The idea of “I deserve it”.






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